American Quarter Horse Ruin 9 Jaar 152 cm Roan-Blue in Paicines CA
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ONLINE AUCTION Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com

Type advertentie: Paard te koop
advertenties ID: 3781476
Plaatsingsdatum: 25/09/2023
Reclameoproep: 117
$ 3 500
~ € 3 286
Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299 USA
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meer informatie

American Quarter Horse, ook Quarter Horse genoemd komt oorspronkelijk uit de USA en is het meest verspreide paardenras over de wereld. Over de hele wereld zijn er 4.6 miljoen geregistreerde Quarter Horses. Het ras is ontstaan in de 17de eeuw, toen rijke plantagebezitters uit Virginia en Carolina bes ... Meer over het paarden ras American Quarter Horse
9 Jaar
152 cm
Versatility Ranch Horse


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Starting Bid $3500
Auction Starts September 24th and ends October 8th
Need a Saddle? Check out White Rock Custom Saddles on Facebook
This is “DRIFTWOODSBRODYBOY”, a 15hh, 2012 AQHA registered GRULLA gelding that is a seasoned ranch horse, trail horse, and a qualified family horse. He has had reining training when younger and been used for ranch pleasure. He’s thick made and he will ride around when asked to do so, he’s been ranching in Montana and has lots of outside miles behind cattle. He has been pasture roping, used to load out trucks, and to sort pairs. He will one-hand neck rein and if asked to do so he will sit down and turn around nicely. He will slide stop, one-step lope, and catch his leads. He will lope nice circles in and out of the arena. This gelding is very gentle, he stays gentle even with time off, and he can be ridden by any level rider. He stays relaxed, calm, cool, and collected even in new and unpredictable situations. He will unload off the trailer in unfamiliar territory and ride off with no silliness. He is low-headed and rides obedient and always attentive to his riders cues. He crosses water without hesitation, he will go up and down very steep hills, and he can handle rocky and shifty terrain with no problems. He’s sure-footed and knows what to do in the rough country. He will ride out alone bravely and will also go in a group in the front or the rear. He has excellent ground manners, he’s super to work around, he likes attention, and he knows a full days work. He’s 15 hands tall and he is 11 years old. He’s seasoned, dependable, honest, solid, and he rides the same every trip out of the barn. He’s attractive, shapey, has the cowboy color, the best personality, the training, and the ride to make his new owners so proud. He is traffic safe, he rides double, he will pony other horses and he can also be ponied. He is one cool horse that is user-friendly. Located in Union Star, MO. Contact Gary Osborn 816-387-1526.
Place your bids at
Starting Bid $3500
Auction Starts September 24th and ends October 8th
Need a Saddle? Check out White Rock Custom Saddles on Facebook


Paicines CA 55555


Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299

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Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299